About “EYE-C-YOU” & The CEO

Mr. Lexces Ulysse, a Networking Administrator, tech-support specialist and also the creator/founder https://eye-c-you.com . Mr Ulysse has worked for some of the best companies in the industry, to name a few IBM, McCann Erickson New York, and St Joseph College before he switched to other businesses. In fact, Ondmoon.com LLC he created in 2012 is the Parent company of both ; EYE-C-YOU & UCPDECOR.COM he later created created in 2022 after ONDMOON.COM LLC was knocked down by other giant social medias.
He now comes back with https://eye-c-you.com which his newest is a social media, where you could do it all one place, including a MarketPlace  e-commerce capability. On eye-c-you’s platform, members can register to be a vendor or simple users. Members can use the platform to buy and sell  all sort of legal products , or perform what people do in social medias, advertise, post , blog, upload pictures and videos ect…
while the vision of eye-c-you.com is to take advices and listen to different voices while offering a platform for self-expression and so much more on a larger scale. Mr. Lexces also wants to plant new seeds in the world of social media so that his company can help future generation on other positive side of media. On that note, eye-c-you.com is seeking all kind of help to grow better so that we could also give back to our community. This is why we are asking you not tot forget to visit https://eye-c-you.com  so that you could have new experiences within a new community. Hence, a combination of all we want to do has shown the meaning and the intent behind the name “ EYE-C-YOU” we still have a long way to go, please help us grow. Signing up is free and will be forever free. Thank you.

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